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면접 예상질문

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작성자 보건학과 작성일12-09-18 10:15 조회4,828회 댓글0건


보건학과 면접 예상질문 올려드립니다^^


-. 2013학년도 1차 수시모집 중 위덕대학교 보건학과를 지원하게 된 특별한 동기는?

-. 보건학과를 졸업하면 장래에 어떤 분야에 취업한다고 생각하는가?

-. Health is a dynamic state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Public health is science and of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting health and efficiency through organized community.


 예시(2)

-. 첨단의료복합단지(대구․경북&충북 오송)유치로 인한 대구․경북의 보건ㆍ의료 파급효과는?

-. 2012년도 보건학과 취업률 약85%를 달성한 이유는 어디에 있다고 보는가?

-. Low back pain causes countless visits to physicians, including 5% of all visits to family physicians. More than 80% of adults have had at least one episode of back pain, and many have had recurrent episodes since adolescence.


> 올해 면접 예상질문은 어떤것이 있나요?

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